В целия си съзнателен живот се опитвам да поставям ред в нещата от живота. Оказва се, че това е невъзможно. Тогава, в един момент, човек се затваря в себе си завинаги и търси успокоение на вътрешния си мир. Оказва се обаче, че и това е непостижимо. Какъв е смисълът да се живее. Поглеждаш нагоре към небето и тогава чуваш кикота на безполовото конферансие от "Кабаре" (финалът на "Вашите пари не миришат" и "Убийствено ретро"). И Скорсезе погледна нагоре и чу само мълчание и тишина. Беше време и той да го направи в края на дните си. Оказва се, че животът е бреме и наказание. Всичко е лишено от смисъл и е абсурдно да се опитваш да търсиш смисъл, там където няма смисъл. Този свят е създаден от глупаци за глупаци без капчица разум и ръководени единствено от инстинкти.
In my conscious life I am trying to the thing in order and to put my life in order. As it happens this is impossible. Then, the person usually locks himself inside and searches for inner peace. This is also unreachable. Where is the point of living? You at the skies and all you hear is the giggle of the sexless announcer in "Cabaret" (the endings of my texts "Your money doesn't stink" and "Killing retro"). In the end of his life Scorsese also did look up, towards the skies, and he heard only Silence. It seems that life is mostly burden and punishment. There is no sense, so it would be absurd to look for meaning where there isn't any. This world is created by fools for fools with no reason and everything is driven only by pure instincts.
In my conscious life I am trying to the thing in order and to put my life in order. As it happens this is impossible. Then, the person usually locks himself inside and searches for inner peace. This is also unreachable. Where is the point of living? You at the skies and all you hear is the giggle of the sexless announcer in "Cabaret" (the endings of my texts "Your money doesn't stink" and "Killing retro"). In the end of his life Scorsese also did look up, towards the skies, and he heard only Silence. It seems that life is mostly burden and punishment. There is no sense, so it would be absurd to look for meaning where there isn't any. This world is created by fools for fools with no reason and everything is driven only by pure instincts.
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